
Durban reloaded?

Honestly concerned und auch ynetnews.com berichten über eine geplante, von der UN unterstützte NGO Konferenz im europäischen Parlament Ende August.

Thema: "International Conference of Civil Society in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace".
Die Tel Aviver Organisation "NGO-Monitor" hat die geplante Konferenz als eine "anti-israelische Propaganda-Konferenz bezeichnet.

Zitat ynetnews.com / Yaakov Lappin:

According to the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor organization, the conference and its organizers form "frameworks that promote the conflict," adding that the NGOs involved in the upcoming conference were also active in "implementing the Durban agenda of demonization," - a reference to the 2001 UN Durban conference on racism, which saw unprecedented levels of anti-Zionist rhetoric, and calls for Israel's destruction.

"This year, for the first time, the exercise is gaining the legitimacy of sponsorship by the European Parliament, further highlighting the role that the Europe Union plays in supporting the NGO campaign," NGO Monitor said in its report.

Noting that "the speakers list is (being kept) secret until the conference, highlighting the violation of transparency in the UN and EU," NGO Watch said "past speakers have included radical figures such as... Jamal Juma' Ja'afreh, from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign.

Topics include 'the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and civil society response,' and 'Strengthening campaigns to end occupation, including grassroots campaigns against the wall, rallying around Bil'in" (the site of violent attacks organized by NGOs in order to provoke Israeli responses).'

Nunmehr haben sich bereits polnische Europa Abgeordnete zum Boykott dieser Konferenz entschlossen, während der Pressesprecher des israelischen Parlamentes den Deutschen Präsidenten des EU Parlaments Hans-Gert Pöttering zur Absage der Konferenz aufforderte.

Zitat ynetnews.com / Yaakov Lappin:

Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik, has written to the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering, asking him to cancel the European Parliament's decision to host the conference, while the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor organization said the upcoming conference as a rehash of the 2001 UN Durban conference on racism, which saw unprecedented levels of anti-Zionist rhetoric, and calls for Israel's destruction. 
Darüber hinaus meldet NGO-Monitor das für 2009 eine Folgekonferenz der 2001`er "Weltkonferenz gegen Rassismus" vorbereitet wird.
Damals verurteilten die anwesenden StaatsvertreterInnen und NGO`s Israel als "rassistischen Apartheidstaat"